[AAHM_Clio_Project] News from the BHM

Hirshbein, Laura lauradh at med.umich.edu
Fri Sep 4 15:14:08 EDT 2015

Hello all, I hope everyone had a good summer!

I wanted to share with you breaking news that the editorial staff at the Bulletin of the History of Medicine is working on several initiatives regarding medical history pedagogy. This hasn't been officially announced yet, but they are likely going to host some kind of syllabus exchange or repository (apparently with the blessing of the AAHM). Kathleen Crowther is also going to create a BHM pedagogy blog. The Bulletin itself is going to have a section on pedagogy twice a year. This is great news!

Also, those of us in Ann Arbor had a minor victory in our ongoing quest regarding medical history in the curriculum revision at the University of Michigan. We were officially approved for a new Pathway of Excellence (similar to a minor) in Medical Humanities starting this year. We have been given time to expose all the students to some aspects of medical history, narrative, medical journalism, and the performing arts.

Enjoy the holiday weekend, and I hope that your semesters are off to a productive start.
All the best,
Laura Hirshbein

Laura Hirshbein, MD, PhD
Associate Professor
Adult Inpatient Psychiatry (9C) Medical Director
University of Michigan Department of Psychiatry
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