Section 18: The President shall annually appoint, subject to confirmation by the Council, two Regular Members to a standing Committee on Diversity and Inclusion. This Committee shall consist of six Regular Members, each continuing in office for a three-year period. In the appointment of the first committee following the adoption of this bylaw, six Members shall be appointed, two for a one-year term, two for a two-year term and two for a three-year term. Working with Council and other standing committees, the Committee is charged with developing, proposing, and implementing initiatives that promote and sustain a diverse organization and foster an inclusive climate at annual meetings.
Diversity and Inclusion Committee
Catherine Mas, chair (2024) Ojo Afolabi (2026) Jeanna Kinnebrew (2026) Jeremy Montgomery (2025) Matthew Romaniello (2025)
Mariola Espinosa (2027)
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