Seeking Proposed Articles on Music, Medicine & History

Please see this message from member Michael Stanley:

Dear Friends,

Myself, Julene Johnson, and Amy Graziano are proposing a special issue for the Journal of History of Neuroscience focused on the history of music &medicine (neurology, psychiatry, rehabilitation medicine), focusing on the 19thcentury particularly, but entertaining papers earlier or later if interested. We have a number of historical papers that have been translated which could serve as source material (and many more untranslated if interested!).Themes are on case reports, methodology, models and mappings, important terms and frameworks of music-related illness (amusia, musical dysrhythmia) or treatments, and important figures in music & medicine.

If interested, please email me (Michael Stanley) [email protected] with MUSIC HISTORY PAPER in the subject line and write about the topic, theme, you’d be interested in writing about, or if you are interested but need some direction.”

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