[AAHM_Clio_Project] Question about ancient medicine and current medical students

Hirshbein, Laura lauradh at med.umich.edu
Wed Jan 18 15:18:43 EST 2017

Hi, I have a second year medical student at the University of Michigan who is working on a project with our new Medical Humanities Pathway of Excellence. She is working with staff at our archeological museum on campus to prepare seminars for current medical students to expose them to ancient medicine. They are beginning, logically enough, with a manuscript collection that includes some Hippocratic writings, and a curator is going to talk to the students.

The outreach person at the museum is very much interested in developing more programs, and she was wondering if other people had experience specifically with the idea of helping students engage with ancient materials or ideas. Since my definition of ancient is pre-Civil War, I thought I would ask the group to see if other people had good ideas? Materials? Reading suggestions?

Thanks so much!
Laura Hirshbein

Laura Hirshbein, MD, PhD
Adult Inpatient Psychiatry (9C) Medical Director
University of Michigan Department of Psychiatry

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