

The Next Meetings:

Save the Date!
2026: Buffalo, NY
June 3-7

2025: Boston, MA
Virtual Meeting March 7
May 1-4
Our centennial meeting!

Past Meetings:

2024: Kansas City, MO, May 9-12, 2024
2023: Ann Arbor, MI, May 11-14, 2023
and Virtual Meeting, May 20, 2023
2022: Saratoga Springs, NY, April 21-24
2021: Madison, WI, May 13-16 (virtual)
2020: Ann Arbor, MI, May 7-10
(Cancelled due to COVID-19 Pandemic. Council and Annual Business Meetings held virtually.)
2019: Columbus, OH, April 25-28, 2019
2018: Los Angeles, CA, May 10-13, 2018
2017: Nashville, TN, May 4-7, 2017
2016: Minneapolis, MN April 28-May 1, 2016
2015: New Haven, CT
2014: Chicago, IL
2013: Atlanta, GA
2012: Baltimore, MD
2011: Philadelphia, PA
2010: Rochester, MN
2009: Cleveland, OH
2008: Rochester, NY
2007: Montreal, QC, Canada
2006: Halifax, NS, Canada
2005: Birmingham, AL
2004: Madison, WI
2003: Boston, MA
2002: Kansas City, MO
2001: Charleston, SC
2000: Washington, DC
1999: New Brunswick, NJ
1998: Toronto, ON, Canada
1997: Williamsburg, VA
1996: Buffalo, NY
1995: Pittsburgh, PA
1994: New York, NY
1993: Louisville, KY
1992: Seattle, WA
1991: Cleveland, OH
1990: Baltimore, MD
1989: Birmingham, AL
1988: New Orleans, LA
1987: Philadelphia, PA
1986: Rochester, NY
1985: Durham and Chapel Hill, NC
1984: San Francisco, CA
1983: Minneapolis, MN
1982: Bethesda, MD
1981: Toronto, ON, Canada
1980: Boston, MA
1979: Pittsburgh, PA
1978: Kansas City, MO
1977: Madison, Wisconsin
1976: Galveston, TX
1975: Philadelphia, PA
1974: Charleston, SC
1973: Cincinnati, OH
1972: Montreal, QC, Canada
1971: Colorado Springs, CO
1970: Birmingham, AL
1969: Baltimore, MD
1967: New Haven, CT
1965: Philadelphia, PA
1964: Washington, DC
1962: Los Angeles, CA
1961: Chicago, IL
1960: Charleston, SC
1959: Cleveland, OH
1958: New York, NY
1957: Richmond and Williamsburg, VA
1956: Durham, North Carolina
1955: Detroit, MI
1954: New Haven, Connecticut
1950: Boston, Massachusetts
1949: Lexington, Kentucky
1948: Philadelphia, PA
1946: Atlantic City, New Jersey
1941: Kansas City, Kansas
1940: Cleveland, Ohio
1940: Atlantic City, New Jersey
Atlantic City, New Jersey
1938: Atlantic City, New Jersey
1936: Atlantic City, New Jersey
1934: Cleveland, Ohio
1930: Atlantic City, New Jersey
1929: Atlantic City, New Jersey
1928: Washington, DC

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